Don Monroe - Publications

1.        "Theory of 'Current-Ratio' Method For Oxide Reliability: Proposal and Validation of a New Class Two-Dimensional Breakdown-Spot Characterization Techniques," M. A. Alam, D. Monroe, B. E. Weir, and P.J. Silverman, Proceedings of the International Electron Device Meeting, (2005).

2.        “Report of the Investigation Committee on the Possibility of Scientific Misconduct in the Work of Hendrik Schön and Coauthors,” M. Beasley, S. Datta, H. Kogelnik, H. Kroemer, and D. Monroe, available at (2002).

3.        “Photonic Integrated Receiver For 40Gbit/s Transmission,” Beck Mason, S. Chandrasekhar, Abdallah Ougazzaden, Chuck Lentz, J. Michael Geary, L.L. Buhl, Larry Peticolas, Ken Glogovsky, Joseph M. Freund, Lew Reynolds, George Przybylek, Frank Walters, Andrei Sirenko, John Boardman, Terry Kercher, Mike Rader, Judy Grenko, Don Monroe and Len Ketelsen, accepted for Electronics Letters.

4.        “40Gb/s photonic integrated receiver with –17dBm sensitivity,” Beck Mason, J. Michael Geary, Joseph M. Freund, Abdallah Ougazzaden, Chuck Lentz, Ken Glogovsky, George Przybylek, Larry Peticolas, Frank Walters, Lew Reynolds, John Boardman, Terry Kercher, Mike Rader, Don Monroe, Len Ketelsen, S. Chandrasekhar, L. L. Buhl, Optical Fiber Conference 2002, vol. 2, Mar. 17-22, Postdeadline Papers, pp. FB10-1–3.

5.        Postdeadline Papers, pp. FB10-1–3..

6.        “The vertical replacement-gate (VRG) MOSFET,” J.M Hergenrother, S.-H. Oh, T. Nigam, D. Monroe, F.P. Klemens, and A. Kornblit, Solid State Electronics 46, 939 (2002).

7.        “The Ultrathin-Body Vertical Replacement-Gate MOSFET: A Highly-Scalable, Fully-Depleted MOSFET with a Deposition-Defined Ultrathin (< 15 nm) Silicon Body,” P. Kalavade, J.M. Hergenrother, T.W. Sorsch, S. Aravamudhan, M.K. Bude, E.J. Ferry, F.P. Klemens, A. Kornblit, W.M. Mansfield, J.F. Miner, D. Monroe, G.D. Wilk, P.M. Voyles, J.L Grazul, K. Saraswat, proceedings of Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop, 2002.

8.         “Improved Film Growth and Flatband Voltage Control of ALD HfO2 and Hf-Al-O with n+ poly-Si Gates using Chemical Oxides and Optimized Post-Annealing,” G.D. Wilk, M.L. Green, M.-Y. Ho, B.W. Busch, T.W. Sorsch, F.P. Klemens, B. Brijs, R.B. van Dover, A. Kornblit, T. Gustafsson, E. Garfunkel, S. Hillenius, D. Monroe, P. Kalavade, J.M. Hergenrother, to be published in the Proceedings of the VLSI Technology Symposium, 2002.

9.        “50 nm Vertical Replacement-Gate (VRG) nMOSFETs with ALD HfO2 and Al2O3 Gate Dielectrics,” J.M. Hergenrother, G.D. Wilk, T. Nigam, F.P. Klemens, D. Monroe, P.J. Silverman, T.W. Sorsch, B. Busch, M.L. Green, M.R. Baker, T. Boone, M.K. Bude, N.A. Ciampa, E.J. Ferry, A.T. Fiory, S.J. Hillenius, D.C. Jacobson, R.W. Johnson, P. Kalavade, R.C. Keller, C.A. King, A. Kornblit, H.W. Krautter, J.T-C. Lee, W.M. Mansfield, J.F. Miner, M.D. Morris, S.-H. Oh, J.M. Rosamilia, B.J. Sapjeta, K. Short, K. Steiner,  D.A. Muller, P.M. Voyles, J.L. Grazul, E.J. Shero, M.E. Givens, C. Pomarede, M. Mazanec, C. Werkhoven, Proceedings of the International Electron Device Meeting, 65 (2001).

10.     “Sub-50 nm Local Channel MOSFETs by SALVO Process,” C.P. Chang, S.N. Rogers, H.-H. Vuong, M.R. Baker, C.S. Pai, F.P. Klemens, W.W. Tai, M. Bude, J.F. Miner, E.J. Lloyd, M. Frei, D.P. Monroe, W.M. Mansfield, T.W. Sorsch, A. Kornblit, J. T.-C. Lee, and C.S. Rafferty, Proceedings, Solid State Devices Meeting 2001

11.     “Physical and Electrical Properties of Ultrathin (£ 2.0 nm) Rapid Thermal Silicon Oxynitrides,” M.L. Green, T.W. Sorsch, W. Gladden, Y. Ma, W.N. Lennard, B.E. Weir, D. Monroe, and P. Silverman,” proceedings of the 2001 Electrochemical Society Meeting.

12.     “50 nm Vertical Replacement-Gate (VRG) pMOSFETs,” Sang-Hyun Oh, J.M. Hergenrother, T. Nigam, D. Monroe, F.P. Klemens, A. Kornblit, W.M. Mansfield, M.R. Baker, D.L. Barr, F.H. Baumann, K.J. Bolan, T. Boone, N.A. Ciampa, R.A. Cirelli, D.J. Eaglesham, E.J. Ferry, A.T. Fiory, J. Frackoviak, J.P. Garno, H.J. Gossmann, J.L. Grazul, M.L. Green, S.J. Hillenius, R.W. Johnson, R.C. Keller, C.A. King, R.N. Kleiman, J.T.-C. Lee, J.F. Miner, M.D. Morris, C.S. Rafferty, J.M. Rosamilia, K. Short, T.W. Sorsch, A.G. Timko, G.R. Weber, G.D. Wilk, and J.D. Plummer, Proceedings of the International Electron Device Meeting, 65 (2000).

13.     “Challenges of Gate Dielectric Scaling, Including the Vertical Replacement Gate MOSFET,” Don Monroe, Jack Hergenrother, and Rafi Kleiman, in Characterization and Metrology for ULSI Technology, D.G. Seiler, A.C. Diebold, T.J. Shaffner, R.McDonald, W.M. Bullis, P.J. Smith, and E.M. Secula, eds. (American Institute of Physics conference proceedings 550, Melville, New York, 2001).

14.     "Analytic Description of Short-Channel Effects in Fully-Depleted Double-Gate and Cylindrical, Surrounding-Gate MOSFETs," Sang-Hyun Oh, Don Monroe, and J.M. Hergenrother, Electron Device Letters, 21, 445 (2000).

15.     “The Vertical Replacement-Gate (VRG) MOSFET: A High-Performance Vertical MOSFET with Lithography-Independent Critical Dimensions,” Jack Hergenrother and Don Monroe, Technical Digest of the Solid State Devices and Materials Conference, 220 (2000).

16.     “The Vertical Replacement-Gate (VRG) MOSFET: A 50-nm Vertical MOSFET with Lithography-Independent Critical Dimensions,” Jack Hergenrother and Don Monroe, Technical Digest of the Electron, Ion, and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication Conference, 331 (2000).

17.     “Gate oxide reliability projection to the sub-2 nm regime,” Weir, B.E., Alam, M.A., Bude, J.D., Silverman, P.J., Ghetti, A., Baumann, F., Diodato, P., Monroe, D., Sorsch, T., Timp, G.L., Ma, Y., Brown, M.M., Hamad, A., Hwang, D., Mason, P., Semiconductor Sci. Tech. 15, 455 (2000).

18.     “The Application of Solid Source Diffusion in the Vertical Replacement-Gate (VRG) MOSFET,” Sang-Hyun Oh, J.M. Hergenrother, Don Monroe, T. Nigam, F.P. Klemens, A. Kornblit, G.R. Weber, W.M. Mansfield, F.H. Baumann, C.A. King, R.N. Kleiman, H-H. Vuong, H.J. Gossmann, and C.S. Rafferty, Symposium Proceedings, Si Front-End Processing, 610, Materials Research Society, April 2000.

19.     The Vertical, Replacement-Gate (VRG) Process for Scalable, General-Purpose Complementary Logic," Don Monroe and Jack Hergenrother, Proceedings of the International Solid-State Circuits Conference, 134 (2000).

20.     “Stress Induced Leakage Current Analysis via Quantum Yield Experiment,” Ghetti, A; Alam, M; Bude, J; Monroe, D; Sangiorgi, E; Vaidya, H., IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 47, 1341 (2000).

21.     “Stress Induced Leakage Current Analysis via Quantum Yield Experiment,” Ghetti, A; Alam, M; Bude, J; Monroe, D; Sangiorgi, E; Vaidya, H., Moccio, S. Proceedings of the International Electron Device Meeting, 75 (1999).

22.     “An Anode Hole Injection Percolation Model for Oxide Breakdown – The ‘Doom's Day’ Scenario Revisited” M. A. Alam, J. Bude, B. Weir, P. Silverman, A. Ghetti, D. Monroe, K.P. Cheung, and S. Moccio Proceedings of the International Electron Device Meeting, 1999

23.     “Explanation of Soft and Hard Breakdown and its Consequences for Area Scaling,” Muhammad A. Alam, Bonnie Weir, Jeff Bude, P. Silverman and Don Monroe Proceedings of the International Electron Device Meeting, 1999

24.     “Gate Oxides in 50nm Devices: Thickness Uniformity Improves Projected Reliability,” B. E. Weir, P. J. Silverman, M. A. Alam, F. Baumann, D. Monroe, A. Ghetti, J. D. Bude, G. L. Timp, A. Hamad, T. M. Oberdick  , N. X. Zhao, Y. Ma, M. M. Brown, D. Hwang, T. W. Sorsch, J.

25.     “The Vertical Replacement-Gate (VRG) MOSFET: A 50-nm Vertical MOSFET with Lithography-Independent Gate Length,” J.M. Hergenrother, D. Monroe, F.P. Klemens, A. Kornblit, G.R. Weber, W.M. Mansfield, M.R. Baker, F.H. Baumann, K.J. Bolan, J.E. Bower, N.A. Ciampa, R.A. Cirelli, J.I. Colonell, D.J. Eaglesham, J. Frackoviak, H.J. Gossmann, M.L. Green, S.J. Hillenius, C.A. King, R.N. Kleiman, W.Y-C. Lai, J.T-C. Lee, R.C. Liu, H.L. Maynard, M.D. Morris, S-H. Oh , C-S. Pai, C.S. Rafferty, J.M. Rosamilia, T.W. Sorsch, H-H. Vuong Proceedings of the International Electron Device Meeting, 1999.

26.     “Boron pileup and clustering in silicon-on-insulator films,” H.H. Vuong, H.-J. Gossmann, L. Pelaz, G.K. Celler, D.C. Jacobson, D. Barr, J. Hergenrother, D. Monroe, V.C. Venezia, C.S. Rafferty, S.J. Hillenius, J. McKinley, F.A.A. Stevie, C. Granger, Applied Physics Letters 75, 1083 (1999).

27.     “J-Ramp on sub-3nm Dielectrics: Noise as a Breakdown Criterion,” G. Alers, B. Weir, M. Frei, D. Monroe, Proceedings of the 1999 International Reliability Physics Symposium.

28.     “Evanescent-Mode Analysis of Short-Channel Effects in Fully-Depleted SOI and Related MOSFETs,” Don Monroe and Jack Hergenrother, 1998 IEEE International SOI Conference Proceedings,

29.     “The End of Scaling: Disruption from Below,” in Future Trends in Microelectronics-Beyond the Beaten Path, (Wiley, 1999) edited by Serge Luryi, Jimmy Xu, and Alex Zaslavsky.

30.     “Experimental evidence for a two-dimensional quantized Hall insulator,” M. Hilke, D. Shahar, S.H. Song, D.C. Tsui, Y.-H. Xie, and D. Monroe, Nature, 395 (1998) 675.

31.     “Effect of Electronic Corrections on the Thickness Dependence of Thin Oxide Reliability,” G.B. Alers, A.S. Oates, D. Monroe, K.S. Krisch, B.E. Weir, 1997 IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop Final Report.

32.     “Symmetry in the insulator-quantum-Hall-insulator transitions observed in a Ge/SiGe quantum well,” M. Hilke, D. Shahar, S.H. Song, D.C. Tsui, Y.-H. Xie, D. Monroe, Physical Review B56 (1997) 15545.

33.     Ultra-thin gate dielectrics: they break down, but do they fail?” B.E. Weir, P.J. Silverman, D. Monroe, K.S. Krisch, M.A. Alam, G.B. Alers, T.W. Sorsch, G.L. Timp, F. Baumann, C.-T. Liu, Y. Ma, D. Hwang, 1997 International Electron Devices Meeting Technical Digest, 73 (1997).

34.     “Effect of electronic corrections on the thickness dependence of thin oxide reliability,” G.B. Alers, A.S. Oates, D. Monroe, K.S. Krisch, B.E. Weir, Applied Physics Letters 71, (1997) 2478.

35.     “Energy relaxation of two-dimensional carriers in strained Ge/Si0.4Ge0.6/ and Si/Si0.7Ge0.3 quantum wells: evidence for two-dimensional acoustic phonons,” S.H Song, W. Pan, D.C. Tsui, Y.-H. Xie, D. Monroe,  Applied Physics Letters 70 (1997) 3422.

36.      “1/f noise in the tunneling current of thin gate oxides,” G.B. Alers, D. Monroe, K.S. Krisch, B.E. Weir, A.M. Chang, Materials Reliability in Microelectronics VI (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1996) 311.

37.     “New universality at the magnetic field driven insulator to integer quantum Hall effect transitions,” S.-H. Song, D. Shahar, D.C. Tsui, Y.-H. Xie, D. Monroe, Physical Review Letters 78, 2200 (1997).

38.     Tunnelling current noise in thin gate oxides,” G.B. Alers, K.S. Krisch, D. Monroe, B.E. Weir, A.M. Chang, Applied Physics Letters  69, 2885 (1996).

39.      “Design Methodology for Low-Power CMOS Technologies,” A. Mujtaba, D.P. Monroe, R.-H. Yan, R. Dutton, Proceedings of the 1995 Symposia on Low-Power Electronics, San Jose, CA 1995.

40.     “Antidot Superlattices in Two-Dimensional Hole Gases Confined in Strained Germanium Layers,” D. Többen, M. Holtzmann, G. Abstreiter, A. Kriele, H. Lorenz, J.P. Kotthaus, F. Schäffler, Y.-H. Xie, P.J. Silverman, D.P. Monroe, Semiconductor Science and Technology 10, 1413 (1995).

41.     “Barrier Height Measurements in O2 and N2O Gate Dielectrics,” B.E. Weir, H. Nussbaumer, K.S. Krisch, D.P. Monroe, M.-T. Tang, K.W. Evans-Lutterodt, M.L. Green, D. Brasen, L. Manchanda, Proceedings Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference.

42.     “Reducing Operating Voltage for 3, 2 to 1 Volt and Below­-Challenges and Guidelines,” R.-H. Yan, D.P. Monroe, J. Weis, A. Mujtaba, E.H. Westerwick, 1995 International Electron Devices Meeting Technical Digest, 55 (1995).

43.     “A symmetric 0.25mm CMOS technology for low-power, high-performance ASIC applications using 248 nm DUV lithography,” D.M. Boulin, W.M. Mansfield, K.J. O’Connor, J. Bevk, D. Brasen, M. Cheng, R.A. Cirelli, S.A. Eshraghi, M.L. Green, K.V. Guinn, S.J. Hillenius, D.E.  Ibbotson, D.C. Jacobson, Y.O. Kim, C.A. King, R.C. Kistler, F.P. Klemens, K.S. Krisch, A. Kornblit, J.T.C. Lee, L. Manchanda, S.C. McNevin, S.V. Moccio, D.P. Monroe, D.P.; K.K. Ng, M.L. O’Malley, C.S. Rafferty, G.P. Schwartz, S. Vaidya, G.R. Weber, L.C. Feldman, M.R. Pinto, T. Itani, T. Tounai, K. Kasama, H. Miyamoto, E. Ikawa, E.; E. Hasagawa, A. Ishitani, H. Ito, T. Horiuchi, S. Saito, M. Nakamae, 1995 Symposium on VLSI Technology. Digest of Technical Papers, 65 (1995).

44.     “Circuits, Transistors, Processing, and Materials for 0.1-Micron CMOS Technology,” Y.-G Wey, J. Weis, K.F. Lee, D.P. Monroe, F.H. Baumann, E.H. Westerwick, R.H. Yan, Proceedings of International Workshop on Semiconductor Characterization: Present Status and Future Needs (1995).

45.     “From Relaxed GeSi Buffers to FETs: Current Status and Future Prospects,” Y.-H. Xie, E.A. Fitzgerald, D.P. Monroe, G.P. Watson, P.J. Silverman, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 33, 2372 (1994).

46.     “The Fabrication of Self-Aligned Ohmic Cobalt Contacts to Relaxed, n-type Si0.7­Ge0.3,” G.P. Watson, D.P. Monroe, J.Y. Cheng, E.A. Fitzgerald, Y.-H. Xie, R.B. van Dover, Silicides, Germanides, and Their Interfaces, Edited by R.W. Fathauer, S. Mantl, L.J. Schowalter, and K.N. Tu (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1994) 323.

47.     “Thickness dependence of electrical transport in buried CoSi2 films fabricated by ion beam synthesis,” K. Radermacher, R. Jebasinski, S. Mantl, D. Monroe, A.E. White, K.T. Short, Silicides, Germanides, and Their Interfaces, Edited by R.W. Fathauer, S. Mantl, L.J. Schowalter, and K.N. Tu (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1994) 209.

48.     “Hydrogen-induced-loss increases in erbium-doped amplifier fibers: revised predictions,” P.J. Lemaire, D.P. Monroe, H.A. Watson, 1994 Conference on Optical Fiber Communication (Optical Society of America, Washington, 1994) 301.

49.     “Decay of UV-induced fiber Bragg gratings,” T. Erdogan, V. Mizrahi, P.J. Lemaire, D. Monroe, 1994 Conference on Optical Fiber Communication (Optical Society of America, Washington, 1994) 50.

50.   “Electrical characterization of an ultrahigh concentration boron delta-doping layer,” B.E. Weir, L.C. Feldman, D. Monroe, H.-J. Gossmann, R.L. Headrick, R.L.; T.R. Hart, Applied Physics Letters 65, 737 (1994).

51.     “Decay of ultraviolet-induced fiber Bragg gratings,” T. Erdogan, V. Mizrahi, P.J. Lemaire, D.  Monroe, Journal of Applied Physics 76, 73 (1994).

52.     “Defect control in relaxed, graded GeSi/Si,” E.A. Fitzgerald, Y.-H. Xie, D. Monroe, G.P. Watson, J.-M. Kuo, P.J. Silverman, Materials Science Forum 143-147, 471 (1994).

53.     “Electron-beam induced current determination of shallow junction depth,” E.A. Fitzgerald, H.-J. Gossmann, F.C. Unterwald, H.S. Luftman, D. Monroe, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 12, 357 (1994)

54.     “Relaxed, low threading defect density Si0.7Ge0.3 epitaxial layers grown on Si by rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition,” G.P. Watson, E.A. Fitzgerald, Y.-H. Xie, D. Monroe, Journal of Applied Physics 75, 263 (1994).

55.     “Transport in high-mobility Si1-xGex heterostructures grown by molecular-beam epitaxy,” D. Monroe, Y.-H. Xie, E.A. Fitzgerald, P.J. Silverman, Semiconductor Heterostructures for Photonic and Electronic Applications Edited by C.W. Tu, D.C. Houghton, and R.T. Tung (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1993) 449.

56.     “Quantum transport of buried single-crystalline CoSi2 layers in (111)Si and (100)Si substrates,” K. Radermacher, D. Monroe, A.E. White, K.T. Short, R. Jebasinski, Physical Review B48, 8002 (1993).

57.     “Comparison of mobility-limiting mechanisms in high-mobility Si1-xGex heterostructures,” D. Monroe, Y.-H. Xie, E.A. Fitzgerald, P.J. Silverman, G.P. Watson, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 11, 1731 (1993).

58.     “Fabrication of high mobility two-dimensional electron and hole gases in GeSi/Si,” Y.-H. Xie, E.A. Fitzgerald, D. Monroe, P.J. Silverman, G.P. Watson, Journal of Applied Physics 73, 8364 (1993).

59.     “Quantized Hall effects in high-electron-mobility Si/Ge structures,” D. Monroe, Y.-H. Xie, E.A. Fitzgerald, P.J. Silverman, P.J, Physical Review B 46, 7935 (1992).

60.     “Molecular beam epitaxial growth of very high mobility two-dimensional electron gases in Si/GeSi heterostructures,” Y.-H. Xie, E.A. Fitzgerald, Y.J. Mii, D. Monroe, F.A. Thiel, B.E. Weir, L.C. Feldman, Silicon Molecular Beam Epitaxy Edited by J.C. Bean, S.S. Iyer, and K.L. Wang, (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1991) 413.

61.     “Relaxed GexSi1-x structures for III-V integration with Si and high mobility two-dimensional electron gases in Si,” E.A. Fitzgerald, Y.-H. Xie, D. Monroe, P.J. Silverman, J.-M. Kuo, A.R. Kortan, F.A. Thiel, B.E. Weir, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 10, 1807 (1992).

62.     “Intersite Coulomb repulsion and intrasite attraction for DX centers in GaAs,” D. Monroe, Applied Physics Letters 59, 2293 (1991).

63.     “Capacitance measurements of the dynamics of screening in the electron glass,” D. Monroe, Hopping and Related Phenomena, Edited by H. Fritzsche, and M. Pollak (World Scientific,; Singapore, 1990) 3.

64.     “Electrical response of superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-d to light,” W.S. Brocklesby, D. Monroe, A.F.J. Levi, M. Hong, S.H. Liou, J. Kwo, C.E. Rice, Applied Physics Letters 54, 1175 (1989).

65.     “Tunneling characteristics of internal Josephson junctions in YBa2Cu 3O 7-d thin films,” W.S.  Brocklesby, D. Monroe, M. Hong, S.H. Liou, J. Kwo, G.J. Fisanick, P.M. Mankiewich, R.E. Howard, Physical Review B 38, 11805 (1988).

66.     “Scanning electron microscope identification of weak links in superconducting thin films,” D. Monroe, W.S. Brocklesby, R.C. Farrow, M. Hong, S.H. Liou, Applied Physics Letters 53, 1210 (1988).

67.     “Long-lived Coulomb gap in a compensated semiconductor-the electron glass,” D.  Monroe, A.C. Gossard, J.H. English, B. Golding, W.H. Haemmerle, M.A. Kastner, Physical Review Letters 59, 1148 (1987).

68.     “Band-edge conduction in amorphous semiconductors,” D. Monroe, in Disordered Semiconductors, Edited by M.A. Kastner, G.A. Thomas, and S.R. Ovshinsky (Plenum, New York, 1987) 705.

69.     “Effect of a defect level on multiple trapping: exact results,” D. Monroe, Solid State Communications 60, 435 (1986).

70.     “Exactly exponential band tail in a glassy semiconductor,” D. Monroe, M.A. Kastner, Physical Review B33, 8881 (1986). 

71.     “Hopping in exponential band tails,” D. Monroe, Physical Review Letters 54, 146 (1985).

72.     “Transient photo-induced absorption spectroscopy in a-As2Se3 in the presence of strong bias illumination,” D. Monroe, M.A. Kastner, Optical Effects in Amorphous Semiconductors AIP Conference Proceedings 120, 94 (1984). 

73.     “Thermally generated defects in liquid and glassy As2Se3,” M.A. Kastner, T. Thio, D. Monroe,  Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 66, 309 (1984).

74.     “Spectral dependence of transient photocurrent quantum efficiency in amorphous arsenic triselenide,” D. Monroe, M.A. Kastner, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 59-60, 995 (1983).

75.     “Evidence for thermally generated defects in liquid and glassy As2Se3,” T. Thio, D. Monroe, M.A. Kastner, Physical Review Letters 52, 667 (1984).

76.     “Generalizations of multiple trapping,” D. Monroe, M.A. Kastner, Philosophical Magazine B 47, 605 (1983).

77.     “The relationship between transient and steady-state photoconductivity in amorphous semiconductors,” M.A. Kastner, D. Monroe, Solar Energy Materials 8, 41 (1982).

78.     “Density of states in the gap of a-As2Se3 by photocurrent transient spectroscopy,” D. Monroe, J. Orenstein, M.  Kastner, Journal de Physique Colloque 42 C-4 559 (1981).

79.     “Time-resolved measurements of photo-induced optical absorption and photocurrent in a-As2Se3,” J. Orenstein, M. Kastner, D. Monroe, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 35-36, 951 (1980).